Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Are You Dead Yet?

My mother visited recently. She wears a charming necklace which has dazzled grandchildren for the last 20 years and our youngest is just the latest to be beguiled by its beauty. While having a cuddle on the sofa my daughter looked at my mother carefully and then said,

'Nanny...are you going to die soon?'
'No sweetie, what makes you ask that?'
'Your elbows are wrinkly'
'Oh I think I'll live for a lot longer yet, despite my elbows'
'Oh' (looks disappointed)
'What's the matter?'
'Nanny...when you die, can I have your necklace?'
'Um, yes'

Later, when my daughter was swinging her legs absent-mindedly, I said,

'Did you ask Nanny for her necklace?'
'Do you think that was very polite?'
'I didn't ask for it now, only when she's dead' (rolls her eyes at my stupidity).

Well that's ok then.

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